#WafflingAround – A Waffle Tour of Cambridge

As the summer rushes by in a contradictory lethargic way, I’ve found myself going weeks without typing out a new post. Which is annoying, since I have a backlog of topics I want to dissect! In an effort to just keep blogging, here’s another highlight post featuring photos from a recent waffle tour of Cambridge, MA—and some opinions too!


I don’t think I’ve dove into my love of food on this blog, other than the occasional recipes I attempt in the kitchen. That could be a separate blog post itself, but for the time being, all you need to know is that of all food in the world, waffles are probably my favorite. Continue reading #WafflingAround – A Waffle Tour of Cambridge

#NP5UMMIT – Harvard Stadium & ECSMA

This is more belated than I intended, but I’ve had a lot of amazing photography opportunities recently and I want to highlight them all. Bear with me as I backtrack a bit to one of the best weekends of 2017! And I’ll keep this as short and sweet as I can. But if you’ve read any of my other blog posts about November Project, you know that might be difficult for me.


Continue reading #NP5UMMIT – Harvard Stadium & ECSMA

It’s My Birthday and I’ll Critique Myself if I Want To – Mid-Year Check-In

Last year, I wrote 22 promises to my future self. Two years before that, I shared 20 things I had learned that year.

This year, I’m going to critique myself.

It’s fortuitous that my birthday falls about halfway through the calendar year. It gives me an opportunity to reflect on the first half of the year while still looking forward to the half to come. For 2017, I want to briefly visit the intentions I set at the start of the year and see if I’ve stayed true to them or if I’m not on the same track. If I’m on track, that’s great—but that doesn’t mean I can relax on my goals. And if I’m not, no worries—I need to figure out why I’m not advancing towards my intentions and refocus.

In case you missed my blog post from the beginning of this year, my One Word for 2017 is Spirit. With my One Word, I set a few concrete goals as well. Let’s see how I’ve done… Continue reading It’s My Birthday and I’ll Critique Myself if I Want To – Mid-Year Check-In

Dear Boston,

An open letter to Quidditch Club Boston, November Project’s Boston tribe, and the Boston Athletic Association’s 2016 Boston Marathon and its runners and volunteers.

Photo credit: Jessica Jiamin Lang Photography (via usquidditchcup.com)

This is my third draft of this blog post. My first draft—written in a frenzied state riddled with frustration and disbelief—was (metaphorically) crumpled and tossed in the trash before boarding a 2-hour delayed flight from Charlotte, NC to Boston.

My second draft was a rambling mess of attempted justifications and explanations that I couldn’t put into words. It belongs in the trash with the rest of the word-vomit that spewed onto my keyboard as I sulked by Gate 6.

Three drafts later, and I realize third time’s not the charm I need—it’s three letters to three groups who I owe more of my positivity to than I thought I did. So here I go. Continue reading Dear Boston,

Talk 30 To Me – Why You Should Get On the November Project Hype Train

This blog post has been a long time coming. I first thought I’d write it after I finished my first full tour of Harvard Stadium. Then I thought I’d write it after I ran my first official timed 5K. And then I thought I’d write it after I ended 2015 and subsequently started 2016 with the Boston tribe.

It’s time for a post about November Project.

(And no, this one doesn’t count.)

Continue reading Talk 30 To Me – Why You Should Get On the November Project Hype Train